“When Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo for
the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo initially declined.
He was busy with another project, and besides, he
was a sculptor, not a painter. Five-hundred years later,
this profound work of art remains for two reasons:
one, the insistence of the authorities that Michelangelo
take on the project, and two, the insistence of
Michelangelo that he do it his own way.”
Like a small epiphany, I read the words, “besides, he was a sculptor, not a painter” differently today. How many things in our lives have we consciously or subconsciously avoided because we are singers, not _____ ?
Hopefully you will join me in today’s goal of seeing myself not in “either/or” terms but rather a “both/and” mentality. If someone praises you for something other than your singing; it is still praise and cause for good feelings.
Amen, sister!!
Definitely needed to read this today!
Thanks, Amy and Georgeanne! I’m glad that it resonated with both of you.
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I gotta give props to The Sybaritic Singer, in whose giveaway contest I won a copy of the fabulous “$100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau. I seriously read it in one sitting last night, and it’s already changing the way I think about my business. And Sybaritic’s post here touches on a business mode that few singers explore: the stuff you are good at in addition to singing. Can you blog? transcribe? play piano? work with kids? give presentations? promote? These are things you can get paid for. Unlimit yourself!