WIN $1,000 in Baltimore Concert Opera’s Social Media Scavenger Hunt
all while supporting BCO’s upcoming Artscape performance, The Verdi Baritone
Baltimore Concert Opera
Rules of engagement
Over fifty contestants will run all over Charm City looking for clues, and sharing their progress along the way. Contestants will be sent into various vendors throughout the city, and will be asked to perform different tasks along the way. Points will be awarded for completion of different tasks, and contestants will ultimately have a chance to win $1000. The list of vendors is growing rapidly, and we expect to have at least twenty different stops along the way.
The SOCIAL MEDIA SCAVENGER HUNT will begin on July 9, and run through July 18th (the end of ARTSCAPE). Entry fees are as follows:
- Contestants 1-10: $1
- Contestants 11-20: $2
- Contestants 21-30: $3
- Contestants 31-40: $4
- Contestants 41-50: $5 *
- Contestants 50+: $9
*see disclaimer below, game will not be played with fewer than 50 contestants.
Points will be awarded based on the following activities:
- Initial sign-up on e-mail list 10
- Follow @concertopera on Twitter 5
- Tweet that you just signed up 5*
- Become our FAN on Facebook 5*+
- Write on our FB Wall that you just signed up 5*
- Check in at our vendors on Foursquare 3
- Tweet at vendor 5*
- ReTweets by your followers 2 (max 10 points per vendor)
- 1st to tweet at vendor 3*
- 2nd to tweet at vendor 1*
- Take picture of yourself at vendor and upload to our FB page 5
- Take video using QIK, and share with your TWITTER followers 10
- Upload Video to YOUTUBE from Vendor 10
- Upload Video of contestant telling stranger about our free performance at ARTSCAPE 20 (max 3 videos, 60pts)
- Attend/tweet about certain performances at ARTSCAPE 35-75* points.
*specific text will be provided, in order to get credit.
+Those who are already fans of BCO on Facebook will need to write on the BCO wall to receive fan credit.
Complete rules and points breakdown will be released on July 1.
Contestants will be sent looking for BARCODES, either on a product sold by a vendor, or on a pre-printed page with the BCO Logo. If you do not have a barcode scanner on your phone, do not worry! All you need is an internet connection! Each barcode will be assigned a specific URL, so that you will be able to access the next clue by typing (example URL) into your web browser. Any device that gives you access to the internet gives you a chance to win! Sign up now, get your friends involved! Have fun supporting the arts in Baltimore, flexing your “social media muscles” and take a chance at winning $1000, and other prizes!
1. Your Entrance Fee to the Baltimore Concert Opera Artscape Social Media Scavenger Hunt (“SMSH”) is a nonrefundable, tax-deductible donation to Baltimore Concert Opera (“BCO”).
2. The SMSH will commence only if BCO receives Entrance Fees from 50 participating contestants. If BCO fails to do so, your Entrance Fee will not be returned.
3. The award of any Prize is entirely at the discretion of BCO.
4. BCO makes no claims as to the tax consequences of any Prize awarded.
Are you a vendor interested in participating?
Cost for vendor participation is $50. Vendors receive the following:
- Ad in Baltimore Concert Opera’s ARTSCAPE presentation, The Verdi Baritone, on July 17th at the Brown Center.
- Unique e-mail list of all contestants
- Foot traffic through your place of business, and the opportunity to invite contestants back, through special promotion.
- Expansion of your social media network
Appropriate vendors include:
shops of all kinds, restaurants, bars, clubs, art galleries, anyone who would like to increase their social media network.
Okay, who wants to be on my team… this is going to be awesome! Can I get an “AMEN?” Please leave me a comment if you plan on participating. If you’re too far away from the Baltimore Renaissance, let me know what you think of Baltimore Concert Opera’s social media blitz. Are you one of the vendors? As usual, give me all the juicy details…
Thanks for the plug! Don’t wait to sign up…we need to have 50 on board in order to launch…getting close, but every last one helps. Would love to reconnect afterwards!
No problem Brendan!
I’m going to try to get a little team together. This is such a fantastic idea. You are really doing some innovative things for opera in Baltimore – Congrats!