Okay, I just want to get to the part when I tell you that Third Coast Percussion is way cool. But, that's not how these blog posts usually …
upon listening: Pictures on Silence enthralls with début CD "Voyage"
Listening to the beginning of Voyage, a 2011 recording from Pictures on Silence, feels as though you have just happened upon a room where …
quick news: Support Grand Opera This Weekend with Opera Chicks!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Please help my Opera Chicks friends in their upcoming fundraising event for Lyric Opera …
in performance: The Figaro Project Delights Audiences with "Who Killed Don Giovanni?"
Curtain up on Who Killed Don Giovanni? Act I Scene 1 and... uproarious laughter? Curiously scanning the program, "isn't this Don Giovanni?" …
in performance: Atlantic Guitar Quartet at the Engineers Club
When describing his specific style, Arvo Pärt wrote, "I have discovered that it is enough when a single note is beautifully played. This one …
in performance: Interview with The Figaro Project's “Operapreneur” Caitlin Vincent
While all you busy bees are making plans for the upcoming weekend, I hope you will strongly consider attending The Figaro Project's Who …
in performance: "Time flies on restless pinions"
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by. ~James …
in performance: Beyond the Madness – BCO's Lucia di Lammermoor
Hello Sybaritic Faithful! Not only do I try to write thoughtful posts about the ins and outs of the emerging artist world like in 29 Days to …
in performance: Baltimore Symphony Orchestra presents "Voices of Light"
Marin Alsop was not likely predicting The Artist to win best picture when she was programming Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light which …