Does every creative professional have imposter syndrome? Everyone except the sociopaths. I am sure you've felt, at one point in your life or …
29 Days to Diva: Day 3 – List your offers
When I was starting my journey of being a professionally creative person, I felt really unsure about "what EXACTLY makes up my music …
29 Days to Diva: Day 2 – Determine what is “enough”
Efficiency and productivity are a trap. The harder you work to fill up every single moment of the day, the more of your time you'll spend …
29 Days to Diva: Day 1 – Do your diva audit
It is the first day of February, and you may be realizing that things are often easier said than done. In that first blush of 2023 (gasp... …
Micro Action Monday: Deal with negative feedback
Divas, I am going to agree with you right now that negative feedback sucks. It is hard to hear that we did not meet expectations or that we …
Micro Action Monday: Make your auditions shine
Have you ever wondered how to get your auditions to really shine? It's that kind of feeling where you walk in the room and the panel goes, …
Micro Action Monday: Create a practice schedule
Happy Monday! We are back with another Micro Action Monday all about practicing. Practicing is really the thing that makes it all happen. I …
Micro Action Monday: Work with a new collaborator
Working with somebody new can be a little off-putting because you've never worked together before! It's simply unfamiliar! However, you can …
Micro Action Monday: Invoice like a pro
Let's talk about invoices. I want you to be able to invoice like a pro. If you are not already using a system for creating invoices, now's …